--> I have been out of the loop this last couple of days, but I will work on being more consistent and also gaining an audience. LOL! Last year, after I graduated from college I was ecstatic because of my great accomplishment. I was the first person in my family to have a Bachelor's degree, a tremendous accomplishment for my own little family and me. All that happiness soon faded away after I realized how much weight I had gained. I blame the lack of exercise and of course stress from schoolwork, motherhood, and deployments (hubby is a soldier) all together. I was most committed to my family (of course) and my education. That in the midst of all I stopped taking care of me. I've always been an exercise junkie so needless to say my physique at some point was absolutely fabulous. I felt good and energetic all the time.
Now at thirty plus pounds, I'm definitely not happy with myself. I believe I have to do this for me and not to please others. What’s worst is that I did not realize how big I got until one day I saw myself in pictures and my pants no longer fit me, lol. Then, I started working out but because I have made a major move (now in Hawaii) and was living in hotels for about three months. My diet and exercise regime went completely obsolete. So, because of my experience and in search of my good health, I have slowly but surely started to exercise. Every Monday I weigh myself to make sure I'm seeing progress with my weight. I'm pleased to say that I have lost roughly six pounds in the last three weeks. It may not seem like much for some but I feel this is good for me because I don't want to put to much strain on my body either. I have been running five times a week for and hour and half. I have also integrated more vegetables and fruits to my diet. I am also juicing some of my least favorite veggies once per day. As I said it may not be much but it certainly is what's working for me. Any tips? Please let me know. I will keep posting weekly my newfound results on this blog.
Bueno desafortunadamente no e estado blogging como me gustaria pero aun me estoy acustumbrando a esto. Tambien necesito tener una audiencia y ser mas consistenete. El ano pasado despues de haber me graduado de la universidad, estaba super contenta. Primero soy la primera persona que se gradua de la Universidad en mi familia. Y bueno eso para mi y mi pequena familia es tremenedo logro. La verdad es que mi felicidad me duro muy poco ya que aumente unas treinta libras de mas. Inmaginense que no me di cuenta asta que empeze a ver fotos mias y bueno mis panatalones no me subian mas. Creo que el estress de la U, familia (esposo es soldado) y bueno deje de ejercitar por completo atribuyo a mi subir de peso.
Empese a hacer ejercisio pero en los ultimos meses estube viviendo en un hotel porque me mude para Hawaii. Haciendo mi regimen de ejercisio y dieta desaparecer por completo. Ahora despues de tantas travas e comensado a hacer mi ejercisio. Y bueno poco a poco e empesado a perder de peso. El las ultimas tres semanas e revajado seis libras. Quizas no sea mucho pero para mi es algo. No quiero poner mucho stress en mi cuerpo por lo tanto un poco a la ves me basta. Corro por una hora y media cinco dias a la semana. Tambien e integrado mas frutas y vegetales. Todos los dias preparo un jugo de vegetales y frutas para mi tambien. E aprendido que es muy beneficioso para mi cuerpo y asi me bebo los vegetales que menos me gustan. Tienen algunas recomendaciones? Si las tienen porfavor informenme. Bueno todos los lunes voy a escirbir sobre mis resultados. Alli me dejan saber su opinion.
“Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but ... life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”
― Gabriel García Márquez
This is encouraging! I think we all go through phases, but not all of finally get to working on the weight loss goals successfully. so please keep us posted and keep motivating us with your results;-)
ReplyDeleteI will thanks! I'm not trying to be extremely skinny. I'm just trying to lose some weight and most importantly tone up. I think I'll be posting next Monday some more of my results. Thanks. :)