Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm New to Blogging!

Finally! After years of constantly deliberating whether I should create a blog, I'm glad I have finally decided to do so. I think that the reason I never created one is because writing to me is something so personal. For that reason and many more I really struggled with the idea of posting something on the Internet. Now after careful deliberation I've decided to take this risk and begin blogging. Hooray!! I mean why not? I love writing. Any kind of writing whether it be creatively, journal, or academically (least favorite). Anyhow I'm glad I got over all of the reasons on why I should not blog and decided to give it a go. I hope I find blogging just as entertaining as I find my personal journal/notebook to be. I really love to write about anything that interest me. Some of the things I hope to blog about will be: movies, music, reality TV, literature, magazines, parenting, fashion, etc... As you can see I'm very versatile when it comes to topics. I don't just like to write or talk about only one specific topic and to be quite honest I don't think it's healthy for the mind either. Anyways I'm really glad that I've decided to start this blog. Let the blogging commence for me!


“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club” – Jack London


  1. I'm really happy you decided to blog, because it looks like we have a lot to learn from you, Kenia. So, thank you for joining the "blogosphere";-)

  2. Thank you Maria and I too look forward to reading your blogs as well. :)
